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Evolution of Real Time Attack Detection

Attack detection is critical for most security solutions, whether we are talking about a load balancer-based (NIDS, WAF), host-based or in-application solutions (HIDS, RASP). Interestingly, regardless of the differences in architecture and data flow, most solutions use similar detection principles and techniques. We will explore how the detection architecture evolved over time and how the new generation of detection logic, such as the architecture implemented by Wallarm, is principally different from that of the legacy solutions.

Wallarm AI Engine: How It Works

The main task of the run-time application security is to protect modern applications and APIs. In this endeavor the solutions face a number of challenges: Download this whitepaper to learn how Wallarm solves the difficult task of effective application security by relying on AI and machine learning including a unique combination of hierarchical clusterization, statistical n-gram based models, recurrent neural networks and reinforcement learning.

A CISO's Guide to Cloud Application Security

The following guidelines will help senior stakeholders set strategy to secure modern applications, learning: Applications are the operational mechanism for how a modern enterprise conducts transactions and uses data. Whether internal or customer-facing, apps are critical for your successful business operations. That means securing apps should be a business priority.

2022 Year-End API ThreatStats Report

This 2022 recap report looks back at the deteriorating API threat landscape, the most prevalent types of threat vectors, the most vulnerable types of APIs, and much more to provide API security and DevOps teams the data-driven insights needed to improve API security in 2023. One of the main take-aways is that the API threat landscape is becoming ever more dangerous. We make this assessment based on the 2022 data, and specifically these four trends.