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How to Use SSE to Achieve Compliance With Data Security Regulations

By 2028, more than 70% of workloads will be running in the cloud. Being in an always-online, ever-connected environment has a myriad of benefits, but it also brings its own risks. IT leaders and compliance experts must constantly question and re-evaluate their security postures, particularly when it comes to compliance. Violating regulations like HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI-DSS can have serious financial and legal implications, not to mention the damage to your reputation.

Is Your Inbox a Cybersecurity Risk?

In today’s flexible and fast-paced digital environment, email still remains the backbone of communication for many organizations. Employee email accounts are chock-full of sensitive information from intellectual property to customer data, which makes securing email servers crucial. Data leakage and unauthorized access not only disrupt operations and cost time and money to fix, but they can also damage an organization’s reputation.

Assessing Your Readiness for SSE Implementation

Your workforce is remote or hybrid, logging in from their homes, coffee shops, or random public networks, using cloud-based applications. Your data is increasingly being stored in the cloud, accessed from anywhere, traveling to who-knows-where. And your security is lagging behind. More than 90% of organizations have moved assets to the cloud, yet legacy security solutions are too complex and ultimately inadequate to secure the digital transformation.

How SSE Reduces Complexity and Cost for Security Teams

The modern threat landscape is vastly different than it was just a few short years ago. The cloud is no longer a tool running alongside on-premises infrastructure. It’s now the backbone of modern organizations — nine in ten businesses see the cloud as “essential for growth,” according to a Deloitte study. It’s easy to see why, as cloud computing unlocks numerous efficiencies for small to mid-tier organizations looking to compete on a global scale.

The Evolution of SSE and Its Role in Modern Security Architectures

The cybersecurity landscape has shifted dramatically over the last several years. More and more work takes place outside of the office and in the cloud — in fact, experts expect the cloud market to exceed $676 billion in 2024. It’s not hard to see why. With the cloud, organizations gain unprecedented freedom to work how they want, whether that’s in-office, in one or more cloud environments, or in a hybrid of multiple approaches.

Elevating Endpoint Security: Lookout Mobile Intelligence APIs

There’s no denying that mobile devices have become essential tools for employees — they facilitate communication and boost productivity by providing access to corporate resources from virtually anywhere. But that convenience comes at a cost. The role of the mobile device, in terms of how much can be done with them and the amount of data they can give users access to in a convenient and familiar form factor, has made them indispensable to the modern workforce.

Cybersecurity Forecast: Key Predictions for 2025

As we head into 2025, the cybersecurity landscape is set to become more complicated than ever before. The evolution of artificial intelligence has touched every part of the digital landscape, creating both new opportunities and new risks. As cyber attackers adopt more sophisticated tactics, techniques, and procedures, organizations will have to be forward-thinking to fortify their defenses.

The Importance of Visibility and Control in SSE

The cloud computing industry is worth almost $700 billion and still growing. Think about how much data your organization stores in the cloud — particularly if you have a remote or hybrid work structure. A security service edge (SSE) solution can help you keep this data secure. This technology protects cloud resources by monitoring and restricting data flow, regardless of location or device.

5 Essential Holiday Cybersecurity Tips for Enterprises

While many businesses wind down during the holiday season, cyber criminals ramp up their efforts instead. E-commerce sites are obvious targets, but threat actors target cloud services providers, financial institutions, and social media networks just as often — if not more — during the holidays. Whatever your organization does, you’ll want to follow a few holiday cybersecurity tips to safeguard your sensitive data and protect your staff as the year comes to a close.

The Rise of Holiday Cyber Threats: What Organizations Need to Know

For most people, the holidays may be a time for winding down and taking a break. For cyber criminals, it’s just the opposite. With many of your staff out of the office or signing in remotely, and a large percentage of business being done at the end of the year, organizations are a prime target for cyber threats on and around the holidays. To protect your organization, you’ll want to enact a firm security framework.