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Choosing the Right VPN Alternatives for Secure Remote Access

VPNs were once the go-to method for organizations offering remote access, but they’re no longer up to the task. As organizations adapt to a more mobile workforce and the growing use of BYOD and SaaS applications, they are increasingly turning to advanced solutions that can meet their evolving security needs more effectively. This blog will explore why now is the time to consider VPN alternatives that will strengthen your organization’s security posture. ‍

Best Practices for Effective Vulnerability Management

When it comes to the world of cybersecurity, vulnerabilities are everywhere, just waiting to be exploited. Vulnerability management is the systematic process of identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating security vulnerabilities in IT systems, applications, and networks. It aims to reduce the risk of exploitation by continuously monitoring for weaknesses and applying necessary security measures.

Security Made Easy: Mobile Security Purpose-Built for MSPs

Mobile devices are now an integral part of the way we work, and because of that, mobile security has become a necessity when it comes to protecting an organization’s data. Yet with many IT and security teams already stretched to the limit, the task of incorporating mobile security into their existing operations may seem like an impossible task.

Privacy vs. Mobile Security: Why MSPs Don't Have to Choose

When it comes to how employees get work done, personal devices are an ever-growing part of the equation. The 2023 Lookout State of Remote Work Security Report found that 92% of remote workers have performed work tasks on their personal mobile devices. While putting security controls on employer-owned devices is a no-brainer, the increasing overlap of personal with professional means that organizations need to think about how to secure employee-owned devices that are being used for work.

How to Stop Data Leaks in Their Tracks

Data leaks are a growing concern for organizations due to the rising volume of sensitive information stored digitally. Leaks occur when sensitive data is inadvertently exposed, and they can easily lead to cyber attacks, reputational damage, and enormous financial costs. The best way to protect against them is to stop them from occurring in the first place. In this blog, we’ll delve into the common causes of leaks and best practices to bolster data security and prevent data leaks effectively. ‍

9 Social Engineering Attack Examples to Watch Out For

Social engineering attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and diverse in today's digital-first world. Attackers have a toolbox full of tactics to manipulate individuals and organizations into revealing sensitive information or granting unauthorized access. By understanding the different types of social engineering attacks, you can better protect yourself against these manipulative techniques.

Cloud Security Compliance: Ensuring Data Safety in the Cloud

Modern organizations know that protecting their data is absolutely critical. That’s where cloud security compliance comes in. Satisfying regulatory standards helps organizations protect against unauthorized access and data breaches, as well as other security incidents. Beyond protecting data, compliance also protects organizations from the legal implications and financial effects of attacks.

Top Remote Work Security Risks Every Organization Should Know

Remote work has become the new normal for many organizations worldwide. According to USA Today, approximately 14% of Americans now work from home, and around a third of all people who can work remotely choose to. Hybrid work is also increasing, with 41% of people splitting time between home and the office.

What's New With Lookout: Simplifying SSE

Organizations continue to endure the challenges that come along with the rapid migration to the cloud, like securing and managing data that is now spread across multiple networks, clouds, and apps. Outdated technologies have led to disjointed, hard-to-manage solutions that struggle to keep up with evolving security threats. But fear not! Lookout is here to help.

ChatGPT Security: Tips for Safe Interactions with Generative AI

With over 100 million users and partnerships with Microsoft, Reddit, Stack Overflow, and more, ChatGPT has become the herald of an AI revolution since its launch in late 2022. The rise of this AI-powered natural language processing tool comes down to two distinct features: its conversational nature, which allows anyone to ask questions and receive detailed and helpful responses, and its access to a global knowledge base.