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Email encryption - the ultimate guide in 2023

Enterprise email encryption is a must-have security tool for anyone who wants to safeguard data that’s in transit. The truth is, there are numerous types and technologies available to help you with this, but what you need for your business ultimately depends on how seriously you want to take the protection of your own, and your clients’ or customers’ data.

Endpoint protection - the ultimate guide in 2023

Calling all enterprises, endpoint management is changing. New endpoint protection platforms & AI-powered solutions are a game-changer for companies looking to enhance their security capabilities and remain bulletproof. The worst of the pandemic appears to be behind us; however, enterprises are still adjusting to the post-COVID new normal. For many industries, remote work and the hybrid office remain essential adjustments that are not going back to normal.

Enterprise data encryption - the ultimate guide in 2023

There’s no denying that the market for data encryption solutions is multifaceted and broad. But, it must be in order to keep up with modern security gaps and evolving threats. In this article, we’ll tell you about what enterprise data encryption is, why you should care about it, some of the different types of data encryption, and how SecureAge takes a unique approach to effectively protect enterprise data without compromising existing workflows or requiring a tech overhaul.

Here's how to protect your endpoint from 7 common types of malware

Every software we use consists of instructions in the form of computer codes that dictate how computers behave or perform certain tasks. But not all software is designed to make our lives easier. Malware, a portmanteau of the words malicious and software, is specifically designed to help hackers gain access to, steal information from, or damage a computer. Oftentimes, all this happens without the knowledge of the computer user themselves. Until it’s too late, that is.

Disk vs file encryption - which is better at Data breach prevention?

Data encryption is a bit like insurance - we all know we need it (a necessary evil you might say), but it’s difficult to decide what we need to protect, and with an increasing amount of options out there, it’s a mission in itself to find the right provider. That’s probably why when we take out insurance we tend to only get coverage when we feel it’s absolutely necessary – for example, for our property, our cars and when we travel.

Exploring the differences between symmetric and asymmetric Encryption

Data encryption goes back to ancient civilisations that used forms of message concealment, in peace as well as in wartime. The Egyptians used Disordered Hieroglyphics, the Greeks Steganography, the Spartans Scytale and the Romans, the Caesar Shift Cypher. While these basic methods laid the foundations for modern cryptography, what has evolved are two fundamental approaches based on complex mathematics: symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

Neglecting malware protection - the shared cybersecurity issue amongst schools and non-profits

Schools and non-profits share the same problem when it comes to cybersecurity budgeting: limited resources which forces a choice between staff with the right expertise and effective tools that work for the organisation.

How small businesses can defend against common cybersecurity attacks

Managing a small business can often feel like having 100 tabs open at once. Between handling client relations, organising taxes, and keeping up with day-to-day operations, cybersecurity (particularly data security) tends to fall along the wayside. Not because business owners don’t care, but because there is simply too much to care about. For small businesses, priorities often lie with directing their resources toward creating sustainable revenue streams.

Solving cloud-based data security challenges

As organisations speed up their cloud migration strategies, security remains a prime concern. Despite the adoption of various security solutions on cloud computing platforms, we continue to see detrimental data losses and cybersecurity breaches being reported. The consequences of such an event range from financial losses and fines, to reputational damages which lead to a loss of market share.

The safest data security approach for the healthcare industry

If you’re looking for a reason to make protecting legacy systems a priority for your healthcare organization, we’ve got 9.23 million for you. That’s the total number of US dollars lost by the healthcare sector to data breaches alone in 2021– and that number is increasing year on year. In fact, the healthcare sector has been the target of the costliest data breaches of all sectors – including financial, technology, and services – for 11 years.