Snyk in 30: Open Source

Snyk in 30: Open Source


With 90% of organizations relying on open source software, it’s safe to say that open source is everywhere. Modern software is assembled from many different building blocks, including proprietary code, open source libraries, containers, and infrastructure as code, among others. And enterprise organizations are increasing their use of open source for these various software components.

This live demo will showcase Snyk’s Open Source tool, including our new Snyk App for Bitbucket Cloud, which helps developers find, prioritize, and fix security vulnerabilities and license issues in open source dependencies.

Snyk works with your developer tools across the software development lifecycle allowing you to stay secure across coding, code management, CI/CD, containers, deployment, and reporting tools.

Join this session and learn:

  • The risk of using open source -- the challenges surrounding managing and reducing that risk
  • Shift left-- why it is just a partial solution
  • The key components that Snyk Open Source provides -- why it is important
  • How to use our new Snyk App for Bitbucket Cloud to access high vulnerability counts and rich contextual information within native Bitbucket workflow