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May 2024

Top 10 app security problems and how to protect yourself

You know your latest web application is inherently vulnerable to all kinds of attacks. You also know app security can never be perfect, but you can make it better tomorrow than it was yesterday. The problem is that whether you’re using enterprise-grade (aka, expensive and complex) security tools, or have cobbled together a handful of open-source projects into a CI/CD pipeline or Git commit hooks and are hoping for the best, your toolkit can’t help you see.

We just raised our $17 million Series A

TL;DR we raised a lot of money and we’re ready to go big. We've raised $17M to bring “no BS” security to devs. We’re happy to welcome Henri Tilloy from on board, who is again joined by Notion Capital and Connect Ventures. This round comes just 6 months after we raised $5.3M in seed funding. That’s fast.

Aikido lands $17M Series A to bring it's 'no BS' security platform for developers to SMEs world-wide

Ghent-based Aikido, the get-it-done security platform for developers and SMEs, has raised $17M in fresh Series A funds from, joined by Notion Capital and Connect Ventures. The round comes a mere 6 months after Aikido raised $5.3M seed funding, making Aikido the fastest capitalized startup in Belgian history. The funds will be used to expand the platform and push Aikido onto the international stage to make security simple for SMEs and doable for developers.