Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2024

Top Open Source API Security Tools

The modern world relies on Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). They allow applications to communicate with each other, servers, and consumers to facilitate data sharing and simplify application development. Without them, the internet would be unrecognizable. However, APIs also present a considerable risk to organizations. If left unsecured, they can be a gateway for attackers to access critical data and services. Protecting APIs is extraordinarily important, but it can be expensive.

API Security Insights: The Architect's Perspective #APIArchitect #ProactiveSecurity #TechInsights

API architects play a critical role in building secure systems by applying proactive controls to prevent vulnerabilities. Their approach focuses on designing APIs with security as a foundation, ensuring stronger protection for every system.

Breaking Down API Vulnerabilities: Client vs. Server Side #APIProtection #CyberThreats #APISecurity

Learn the critical differences between client-side and server-side API vulnerabilities and their impact: What distinguishes client-side API vulnerabilities from server-side risks. How client-side vulnerabilities originate on the backend but impact end users. Why securing client-side APIs is essential to protect user data from attacks.

Top Tool Capabilities to Prevent AI-Powered Attacks

Recent advances in AI technologies have granted organizations and individuals alike unprecedented productivity, efficiency, and operational benefits. AI is, without question, the single most exciting emerging technology in the world. However, it also brings enormous risks. While the dystopian, AI-ruled worlds of sci-fi films are a long way off, AI is helping cyber threat actors launch attacks at a hitherto unknown scale and level of sophistication. But what are AI-powered attacks?

API Vulnerabilities in Q3: Key Product Categories at Risk #APISecurity #AIAPIs #CyberSecurity

Discover the most vulnerable product categories from Q3 and what they mean for API security: A rise in AI and machine learning API exploits, creating new challenges. Why enterprise hardware, DevOps tools, and legacy APIs like XML RPC remain primary targets. How categorizing vulnerabilities provides industry-specific guidance for better protection.

Exploitability in APIs: Patterns and Risks Uncovered #APIExploit #SecurityTools #APISecurity

APIs are integral to modern technology but are often highly vulnerable. In this video, we discuss: The significance of a 7.5 CVSS score for common API vulnerabilities. How API design, aimed at accessibility, increases exploitability. Key patterns identified in over 200 API issues analyzed quarterly. Why securing your APIs is essential, no matter the risk level.

Protecting Against Bot-Enabled API Abuse

APIs have become the backbone of modern digital ecosystems, powering everything from mobile apps to e-commerce platforms. However, as APIs grow in importance, they also become prime targets for malicious actors. Increasingly, bots are being weaponized to exploit vulnerabilities, overwhelm systems, and siphon sensitive data—all without triggering alarms until it’s too late.

The API Security Toolbox: Gateways, WAFs, and API Protection Explained

API security is a requirement, not an option, but there’s a lot of confusion about what exactly API security is. With so many tools that claim to solve your API security challenges, how can teams make informed choices that align with their actual needs? In this webinar, we will break down the available tools, highlight their strengths and limitations, and offer guidance on selecting the best fit for your security needs. Join us to deepen your understanding of API security layers and learn strategies to effectively protect your API endpoints.