Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2024

SenseOn achieves 99% protection rate and 0 false positives in the latest AV-Comparatives Real-World Protection Test

SenseOn achieves 99% protection rate and 0 false positives in the latest AV-Comparatives Real-World Protection Test False positive alerts in security operations pose a significant risk by diverting critical resources and attention away from genuine threats. These incorrect alarms, which signal threats where none exist, can lead to wasted time, reduced efficiency, and increased costs as security teams investigate and address these non-issues.

What Is Security Automation?

Digital transformation initiatives like moving servers to the cloud, extending work-from-home privileges, and deploying more IoT devices have expanded attack surfaces, making it easier than ever for threats to slip through. At the same time, the number of cyber threats is growing fast. According to Security Magazine, a cyberattack now happens at least every 39 seconds.

What is the MITRE ATT&CK

The MITRE ATT&CK framework provides the cybersecurity community with information on more than 100 threat actor groups and the platforms they target. The data within the framework comes from publicly available cyber threat intelligence and reports and security teams and threat researchers. ATT&CK is available for free to anyone who wants to use it.

How to Set Up a Security Operations Centre In 5 Steps

The benefits of a security operations centre (SOC) are most obvious when you don't have one. For example, imagine it’s 3 am on a Saturday morning and a hacker breaks into your organisation's systems. There’s no one to detect the intrusion and no one to deal with it either. In fact, it’s not until a member of your sales team notices they are locked out of the network on Monday morning that anyone even knows there is something wrong. After that, things start happening very fast.