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January 2023

How End-to-End Encryption in Messaging Apps Benefits Your Business

Encryption means converting data (in the form of plain text) into a code that is unreadable by humans to prevent unauthorized access. There are many types of encryption, and they include encryption in transit, encryption at rest, and end-to-end encryption. Among them, end-to-end encryption is probably the best for communication services.

Building a Strong Small Business Work Culture Focused On Cybersecurity

Small business owners have a ton of things to worry about, but cybersecurity should always remain a top concern. Why? The Allianz Risk Barometer lists cyber incidents as the number one business risk in 2022, ranking it higher than the shortage of skilled workers, complications from the pandemic outbreak, and natural disasters.

8 Best Secure Photo Apps in 2023

It would be maddening if someone looked over your private files on your phone. Imagine someone scrolls through your phone gallery without your permission and steals your secret files. How irritating that would be! Moreover, you never know what will happen if your photos get exposed. Someone could spread your private pictures on social media and use them for evil intentions that can lead to serious embarrassment or, in the worst scenario, severe crimes.