Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2022

Mobile Application Development Checklist: What You Need to Consider

An increase in the usage of the internet has also increased mobile phone usage. Mobile phones have become handy devices that make our life easy. This mobile phone contains various applications used for different purposes from entertainment, games, social media to banking, education, health, etc. Millions of applications are already available in the internet world, so it is not an easy task to develop a successful app.

PKI Management: Role of Certificate in PKI, Components, PKI Lifecycle Management

Everyday life depends on the internet, from online banking to shopping online in this digital world. However, with the increase in the use of networking, cyber-crimes have also increased, which results in the stealing of sensitive data and the spreading of malicious software through unnatural links. Here comes the importance of Public Key infrastructure. PKI is based on data encryption which secures online data from cyber-attacks.