Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2022

OWASP Top 10: API Security Threats

It’s no secret that APIs are under attack. Companies are struggling to keep their APIs safe and secure from accidental breaches to malicious hacks. The problem will only worsen as APIs become more complex and more companies rely on them for critical business functions. The security risks increase exponentially. About Indusface: Indusface is a SaaS company that secures critical Web applications of 2000+ global customers using its award-winning platform that integrates Web application scanner, Web application firewall, CDN, and threat information engine.

4 Best Practices to Reduce Zero Day Exploits

As cybercrime is rising by the hour, security is a huge concern for everyone today. One of the most effective ways to protect the systems from being hacked is detecting and fixing the vulnerabilities. However, now attackers began to take advantage of security flaws known only to them. Zero-day exploits are very difficult to prepare for as they’re quite unpredictable.

Top 8 Uses Of Website Vulnerability Scanners

The average cost of data breaches in 2021 was USD 4.24 million, the highest figure in at least 17 years. So, proactive, accurate, and effective identification of security vulnerabilities is non-negotiable and offers a solid basis for adequate security. By proactively identifying these vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and flaws in the application, website vulnerability scanner tools bring accuracy and efficiency in web application security.

DDoS Protection With AppTrana

For any business, AppTrana (Web Application Firewall) for DDoS Protection is an essential tool to strengthen the security posture. With this WAF tool, CXOs (CISO, CTO, CISO, CEO) would have their tough jobs made easier in this ever-growing threat landscape. (In recent years, with the adoption of the work-from-home culture, cybersecurity attacks have taken the front seat in disrupting businesses of all sizes across the world).

Top 10 Uses of Website Vulnerability Scanner Tools

The average cost of data breaches in 2021 was USD 4.24 million, the highest figure in at least 17 years. So, proactive, accurate, and effective identification of security vulnerabilities is non-negotiable and offers a solid basis for adequate security. By proactively identifying these vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and flaws in the application, website vulnerability scanner tools bring accuracy and efficiency in web application security.