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October 2021

Application Security (AppSec)

There is a movement in the IT security world that is gaining traction, and it is based around the implementation of security within applications from the beginning. You may have heard buzzwords like “AppSec”, “DevSecOps” and “Shift Left”, but what do they actually mean? What does it take to “Shift Left” when developing a secure application? You can read about dealing with dependencies in our blog post.

Enhancing Security in your Software Development LifeCycle - Dealing with Dependencies

The adoption of agile practices has resulted in the emergence of shift-lift testing, where testing is performed much earlier in the Software Development LifeCycle (SDLC). Traditional waterfall models performed testing to the right of, or following, development. The benefits of testing earlier and more often cannot be underestimated. However, where does this leave security and security testing?

Exchange Server Emergency Mitigation Service

It has been a tough few months for Microsoft. After the SolarWinds/NOBELLIUM attacks, Microsoft Exchange customers were afflicted with a slew of vulnerabilities. In March 2021, the ProxyLogon vulnerability emerged, followed by an exploit that surfaced in April 2021 called NSA Meeting. In August 2021, Orange Tsai released a series of new vulnerabilities called ProxyOracle and ProxyShell, followed by the discovery of another Proxy flaw, dubbed ProxyToken.