Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2023

What You Need to know about API security

When people talk about complex, interconnected ecosystems, they’re really talking about how applications share data and communicate with each other. Like the air-lock on a spaceship lets people pass between physical environments, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) enable data to pass between digital environments. However, since APIs act as access points between applications, they create potential security risks.

An Introduction to Application Security

While security teams may “run on Dunkin’,” companies run on applications. From Salesforce and Hubspot to ServiceNow and Jira, your organization relies on a complex, interconnected application ecosystem. In 2022, organizations used an average of 130 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications. While these technologies enabled them to reduce costs and achieve revenue targets, they created new security risks.

Centralized Log Management for TISAX Compliance

The Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange (TISAX) is the certification process for engaging in the Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA), the German Association of the Automotive Industry, Information Security Assessment (ISA). The ENX Association, a collection of automobile manufacturers, suppliers, and four national automotive associations, established TISAX to create an overarching industry standard and make reporting more efficient.

Server Security: What it is and How to Implement It

Your business runs on servers. Without your DNS server, your users wouldn’t be able to connect to online resources. Without your proxy servers, your local networks would be visible across the public internet. Without your database servers, your organization wouldn’t be able to execute the queries that enable them to make data-driven decisions. Since servers are critical to business operations, threat actors value them.