Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2022

Planning Your Log Collection

Whether you are planning to use Graylog for security and threat hunting, IT Operations analysis and reporting, or any other use case, getting your logs into Graylog is essential. The process of log collection is sometimes a daunting task, especially if you are planning to collect massive amounts of data. But if you take a minute to answer some key questions before you begin, you can transform the log collection task from daunting to smooth sailing. Here we go with the questions…

Centralized Log Management for Incident Response

Today’s reality is that you’ll never be 100% secure. Remote work and digital transformation add more access points, devices, and applications than ever before. At the same time, your team is constantly responding to alerts that could be an incident. Although, most often, it’s not. Basically, you need to reduce the mean time to investigate (MTTI) and the mean time to respond (MTTR).

Log Management Strategy for Cybersecurity Maturity

Log management maturity and cybersecurity maturity often mirror one another. In today’s highly connected world, companies need to live with risk. Organizations need to balance the risks they’re willing to accept and compare that to the amount of money they’re willing to spend. Centralized log management is often a way to get the security monitoring that you need. As you mature your log management strategy, you’ll often find that you mature your security posture as well.

Maturing Your Security Hygiene

Security hygiene is the process of reviewing your current cybersecurity posture and implementing security controls that mitigate data breach risks. As you mature your security hygiene, you create a centralized log management strategy that defines a path to a more robust posture. As part of this, you need to accommodate for the way threats evolve, including those unique to your specific industry or business.

Cyber Hygiene with Centralized Log Management

Protecting data is more mission-critical to businesses than ever before. Nearly every business process is tied to data, meaning that security teams need to streamline their monitoring, detection, and investigation processes. Centralized log management gives security teams the resources they need when they need them. Understanding how to use your log management solution for security monitoring can help you successfully mitigate risk and reduce cost.