Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2023

Beating the Security Talent Problem: The SRC Solution

In an era where digital threats are evolving rapidly, the need for skilled security professionals is at an all-time high. Companies are grappling with a unique dilemma: the acute shortage of top-tier talent in the cybersecurity realm. But hiring an entire team poses its own set of risks. From the complexities of team dynamics to the cost of hiring, the constant upskilling and the ongoing retention efforts, these risks and costs stack up quickly.

Coralogix Receives AWS MSSP Competency

With the increasing sophistication and frequency of cyber threats, companies often rely on partners to help provide security services and solutions. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Managed Security Service Provider competency is a hallmark of reliability for MSSPs and other vendors, signifying their capability to provide effective security solutions on AWS’s robust platform.

Okta Threat Advisory from Coralogix

On October 20, 2023, Okta Security confirmed malicious activity that exploits stolen credentials, allowing unauthorized access to the company’s support case management system. Several other vendors such as BeyondTrust were also affected by the incident and have since shared their own disclosures. Overall, the incident has ignited substantial concerns over its capacity to trigger a supply chain compromise.

Security Insights: Over 1,000 Alerts & Dashboards in One Click

Ingesting data in the security world is only half of the battle. The second half is fought over insight generation. As security professionals, we understand that every second we spend creating dashboards, alerts, or parsing rules is a potential window of vulnerability, assuming this capability even exists within the organization.