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May 2023

The implications of adding SAST to your CI/CD pipeline

DevSecOps is all about better integrating security into the software development life cycle (SDLC). When combined with the desire to automate repetitive tasks, the inevitable conclusion is to put any repeatable testing tool into your app’s build pipeline. For any tooling that involves code analysis, it makes sense to sync up with existing testing workflows. That’s where CI comes in.

Top 10 ways to secure Ruby on Rails applications

Ruby on Rails is one of the most loved combinations in tech. It’s a language and framework that’s accessible to people of varying skill sets and experience. Its maturity and widespread adoption shows with how much the core team and community care about security. Each release improves the framework's hardiness, but there's still so much we can do as developers to protect our applications.

DevSecOps for OpenAI: detecting sensitive data shared with generative AIs

It is clear a new technology is taking hold when it becomes impossible to avoid hearing about it. That’s the case with generative AI. Large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s GPT-4 and the more approachable ChatGPT are making waves the world over. Generative AI is exciting, and it’s causing a real fear of missing out for tech companies as they try to match competitors.