Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2023

How to Assess Third-Party Data Security

In 2013, hackers breached an HVAC provider’s network, giving them access to 40 million credit and debit card numbers from their biggest client: Target. It took years to repair the damage. Relying on third-party vendors is necessary but still presents a cybersecurity risk. How will the companies handle your clients’ data? How vulnerable are they to being hacked?

Can we prevent a security incident like Loom's?

On March 7, 2023, Loom experienced a security incident caused by a settings change in their CDN. Even with extensive internal testing, the nature of the problem caused it to go unnoticed until the change landed in production. Their incident report is a great explanation of the issue itself, so I won't reiterate much of it here, but what I will look at is a related issue, and how static code analysis tools integrated into development pipelines could have prevented the issue.

We are open sourcing our SAST solution!

For the last two years, we’ve been quietly building a new kind of static application security testing (SAST) solution that allows security and engineering teams to assess, prioritize, and remediate security risks and vulnerabilities in their code by what matters most - sensitive data. Today, we are officially announcing its release as an Open Source project, Bearer.