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April 2021

Global Privacy Control has the potential to solve the consent banner problem

Data privacy regulation has made great steps toward protecting the privacy of people using web products, but it has come with user experience friction. Consent and disclosure banners are a solution for compliance, but they are not elegant. Browser makers, the W3C, and a group of participating organizations are working to fix that. The first step is a proposal called Global Privacy Control (GPC).

What is a ROPA, why you need one, and how to make the process easier.

Working toward GDPR compliance means taking inventory on the data you collect and process. You've mapped your data, have a catalog of impact assessments, but now you need a way to present it in a way that regulators can look over. As far as the general data protection regulation (GDPR) is concerned, every piece of data processing you do needs a record, and those records are stored in a record of processing activities (ROPA). Regulators use a ROPA to get a full picture of your data processing.