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February 2021

You Should Be Automating Your Data Flow Map

Mapping and cataloging personal information collected from users is time-consuming. It is error-prone, and relies on hunting down information from multiple departments. For many teams, creating an accurate data flow map will be the hardest part of completing GDPR Article 35's data privacy impact assessment (DPIA) or any privacy impact assessment (PIA). Even for smaller businesses with limited departments and fewer software offerings, determining how data exists and how it moves can be a challenge.

What the CPRA Means for the CCPA

In the fall of 2020, voters in California approved the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA). Touted as California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) 2.0, the CPRA is more an addendum and expansion of CCPA rather than an entirely new law. Think of it as an update that fixes unclear parts of the previous law and adds new systems to better handle the existence of the law itself. As there are a few “breaking changes”, the 2.0 moniker is pretty apt for those in the software world.