Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2020

ISO 27001: Should You Expect it From Your API Vendors?

ISO 27001 is a way for companies to prove a certain standard of security to their customers. You may recognize ISO as the standards body that issues international standards and classifiers for all kinds of products and services, including date and time standards, country and currency codes, and structural systems—like the ones we’ll be discussing in this article.

SOC Reports and Why Your API Vendors Should Have Them

Your business relies on third-party APIs to operate. Sometimes they enhance your capabilities, and other times they bridge the gap between your business and where your customers are through integrations. Either way, the intermingling of data and services between your business and these third-party vendors can put your business at risk. When it comes to ensuring these providers are handling data securely, SOC 2 has become one of the most common security frameworks for tech companies.