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March 2020

Use the Node.js HTTP Module to Make a Request

The ecosystem around making requests in Node.js applications is huge. With countless libraries available, it can be helpful to understand why they exist. This helps to improve your understanding of Node.js as a whole, and makes choosing an HTTP client easier. In the first post in this series, we looked at creating servers using Node's http module. In this post, we will explore making a request using the http.request method and handling the response.

Create a Server with the Node.js HTTP Module

Using Node.js on the web generally involves a server framework, like Express, Hapi, or Koa. These make working with the underlying HTTP support easier. Sometimes you need the full power of a framework, but in other cases that can be overkill. In this article, we'll ignore the benefits of a framework and look at the underlying features of Node's HTTP module and how you can use it to create a web server. In future articles, we'll examine other features of the HTTP module.

Build your own API client in Node.js

When you interact with a REST API, are you making calls directly or are you using a client from the API provider? Many APIs now provide clients, wrappers, or SDKs. These terms all mean the same thing in this context. What happens if the API you are using doesn't offer a client? Do you even need one? Is there any benefit? In this article, we will explore some of the reasons you may want to build one.