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March 2023

Industrial & Corporate Espionage: What Is It, Cases & Best Prevention Practices

Knowledge is power. Especially in the hands of your competitors. Information about your company, its products and services, finances, sales, and marketing strategy is a weapon of modern economic warfare. That’s why it’s important to ensure that your organization’s data is well-protected. In this article, we explain (with real-life examples) how corporate spies attack and discuss how to prevent industrial espionage.

Cloud Infrastructure Security: 7 Best Practices to Secure Your Sensitive Data

Your organization might leverage cloud computing because of its practical advantages: flexibility, rapid deployment, cost efficiency, scalability, and storage capacity. But do you put enough effort into ensuring the cybersecurity of your cloud infrastructure? You should, as data breaches and leaks, intellectual property theft, and compromise of trade secrets are still possible in the cloud.

8 Best Practices for CISO Effectiveness in 2023

The third quarter of 2022 was challenging for government and corporate servers across the globe — we witnessed a 70% increase in data breaches over the second quarter’s numbers. Considering that security lapses are mainly on the shoulders of CISOs, it’s vital to know the instruments for improving their effectiveness. This blog post outlines a white paper written by former Gartner analyst Jonathan Care.