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February 2022

FedRAMP Cloud Service Providers and Services

Google adopted its cloud infrastructure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), to be compliant with FedRAMP. GCP earned a FedRAMP High authorization to operate (ATO) for several cloud products in a handful of locations and has uplifted the current FedRAMP Moderate services to more products and locations. Government agencies can now work with the highest level of classified information using GCP.

OSCAL and FedRAMP Automation

The current FedRAMP Authorization process is a struggle. First, you must manage multiple regulatory standards and frameworks, which change over time. Second, regulatory standards and frameworks overlap in scope and can often conflict and be difficult to manage together. And, lastly, information systems continue to increase in size and complexity.

Quick Guide on FedRAMP Fundamentals

The federal government enacted the FedRAMP regulation in December 2011 to enable executive agencies and departments to use an assessment method based on risk and cost-effectiveness when adopting cloud technologies. A FedRAMP readiness assessment is mandatory for cloud products and solutions providers seeking to receive an Authorization to Operate (ATO). FedRAMP ATO indicates that a provider’s hosted information and systems meet FedRAMP requirements.