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July 2021

The Global Real-Time Payments Evolution

In June, our team participated in The 2021 Payments Canada Summit, Canada’s premier payments conference. One of the main topics raised at The SUMMIT was the future of payments: why real-time payments (RTP) will be a game-changer for Canadians and the financial industry. The trend towards instant and faster payments is a global one. While Real-time Rail (RTR) is expected to go live in Canada in 2022, other regions have been using RTP for several years.

How to Prevent Man-In-The-Middle Attacks and Fight Financial Fraud

You just started reading this blog post. But are you reading it alone? Or is there a “man in the middle” watching and recording everything you do online? While it may sound like a plot from a Hollywood blockbuster, the reality is far from amusing. A man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack can quickly occur when an unsuspecting victim joins the same public Wi-Fi network as a malicious attacker, for example, at a cafe.