Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2024

13 Cybersecurity Trends in 2024: Security Operations Evolution

The cyber security landscape presents new challenges and threats, with the projected number of global IoT-connected devices expected to exceed 75 billion by 2025. By the end of next year, cyber-attacks are expected to cost the global economy over $10.5 trillion, highlighting the urgent need for security operations advancements. This blog will explore 13 cybersecurity trends in the evolving cybersecurity landscape for the new year.

How to Streamline Security Incident Management & Response

A security incident refers to an attack on an organization's cybersecurity system, network, or data. All types of attacks, violations, or exploitations can be classified as security incidents, regardless of their impact. This blog post will provide you with a solid understanding of Security Incident Management and Response and how streamlining this process can enhance your company’s workflow.

What Does a SIEM Solution Do: Logsign Perspective

Businesses are currently witnessing improvements in cybersecurity capabilities, thanks to advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, the progress is accompanied by a parallel increase in the threat and sophistication of cyber-attacks, especially when the right event monitoring and threat detection tools are not utilized. Deloitte's latest research on security operations indicates that in 2023, 12.5% of businesses experienced more than one security event.