Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2018

Questions You Should Ask Your Cloud-Based Log Management Service Provider

The log management service is often outsourced to a third-party service provider due to the complexity of the process involved in the collection of logs. When a business plans for outsourcing log management to a service provider, business requirements must be given a top-most priority. To start with, a business must identify the goals it desires to accomplish through log management. After locating the required resources, the decision-making body should select a vendor for availing its services.

Why Is Logging Ecosystem So Important?

The logging ecosystem or a logging infrastructure is the set of all components and parts that work together to generate, filter, normalize, and store log messages. The purpose of this logging system is to use logs for solving particular problems. For example, the logs can help to find out the source of the attack. This article defines each component of logging ecosystem and illustrates how they work.

Why is Log Management More Important Than Ever?

It has now become public knowledge that every business organization is under constant threats in the ever-evolving cyberspace. In order to secure their assets and maintain a strong defence against the actors with malicious intent, an organization takes a number of steps such as installing appropriate software and hardware, implementing security controls, etc. One such step is log management which plays a crucial role during a security incident.