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January 2024

4 Tips For Staying Ahead of Cybersecurity Threats in 2024

As we kick off the new year, we're excited to look back on all that we learned in 2023. This past year saw some momentous advancements, including the large-scale adoption of generative AI (GenAI). However, it also saw some devastating data breaches. According to IBM’s latest “Cost of a Data Breach” report, 95% of studied companies experienced a breach in 2023.

Streamline your security workflows with these 3 shortcuts in Tines

Looking for ways to simplify your cloud DLP workflows in 2024? Read on for 3 ways that Tines—our go-to secure workflow builder—can make your resolutions a reality. First, let’s learn a little about how Tines works. In short, Tines helps users to create “stories” (aka workflows) that streamline communications, automate tasks, and more. Tines stories can take any number of twists and turns by: But how can you put these actions into practice?