Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2022

The Importance of Continuous Security & Compliance in SaaS Environments

We’re living in the era of “giga-breach,” where cloud data breaches can easily expose in excess of one billion records. As such, the stakes couldn’t be higher for cloud security teams seeking to secure cloud environments. That’s why it’s important to understand the key vectors driving data breaches today. Read on to learn more, or click the thumbnail below to join our upcoming webinar, where we’ll discuss these trends in detail.

How Should Startups Build Their Tech Stack?

At the beginning of every startup’s journey, the question plaguing every technical founder and their team is how to build their tech stack. A lot of thought must go into this question because it informs how the startup will adapt to the demands of business growth and any necessary adjustments or pivots of the business. In a recent webinar, we discussed this question in detail with Jim Walker of Cockroach Labs.