Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2022

The top cyber security stories of 2022

A look in the rearview can tell you a lot about the future, so we revisited the top cyber security stories of 2022 with experts in the field. Yes, ‘tis the season when cyber security experts gaze into the crystal ball to tell us what to expect in the coming year, which is fine, but it’s also good to look in the rearview at a year that will be over next week, both for what happened but also for what it all might mean and what we can learn from it.

Automating web security testing within your DevOps pipelines

Seeker IAST helps organizations achieve continuous testing without creating friction in DevOps pipelines. In traditional security, developers run tests for code security and operators ensure that firewalls and other protections work in the production environment. Access control and other tasks are handled by security experts and managers. DevSecOps uses version control and CI/CD pipelines to configure and manage security tasks automatically, across all teams, before deployment.

SBOM: What's in your software ingredients list?

With an average of 500 components in an application, it’s difficult to know what’s in your software. The right security tools and expertise are here to help. A software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is an inventory of what makes up a software application: the “ingredients list” of everything in it. There’s pressure today for companies to make SBOM information available, and it has implications for who is liable when there are issues in the software.