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December 2022

CIS Baseline Hardening and Security Configuration Guide

The CIS Controls v8 has been revised and released by the Center for Internet Security (CIS). The CIS Controls are a collection of industry-recognized best practices for businesses dealing with data security risks. Such measures were created to make things easier and keep the IT operations and security teams attention on the crucial tasks. In v8, CIS changes a little the perspective around baseline security and system hardening.

What are CIS Benchmarks and how to use them?

A list of 18 procedures (reduced from 20), or “controls,” recommended by the Center for Internet Security (CIS), must be followed to build an IT infrastructure resistant to cyberattacks. The CIS 4th Control advises to establish and maintain a secure configuration process for enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; non-computing/IoT devices; and servers) and software (operating systems and applications) (4.1).

Defend Against Powershell Attacks

To give system managers a number of advantages over traditional interfaces for streamlining and automating administrative chores, Microsoft created PowerShell, a built-in scripting language and command-line executor. The strength of PowerShell renders it a handy instrument for attackers to conduct file-less exploits, which are challenging to block and identify. Essentially, the PowerShell script is a simple text file with an a.ps1 extension. When you execute the file on the prompt, it will begin to run.