Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2022

The 6 Best USB Control Software of 2022 (Tech Review)

Need a USB blocker to protect sensitive files against theft to portable storage? In this article you will learn why you need to block USB devices and the best USB device management tools to prevent data loss to removable media. Looking for more tools? Check out our list of the best internet filters and the best employee monitoring software Ready to prevent data loss? Get started immediately with a free trial of AccessPatrol, CurrentWare’s USB blocking software.

5 Crushing Corporate Espionage Cases-Are Your Trade Secrets Safe?

Are your trade secrets safe against corporate spies? These examples of corporate espionage highlight the great lengths that foreign governments and competing companies will go to to maintain an advantage over their competitors. If you like this article be certain to check out our article on the Worst Examples of Data Theft by Employees. Table of Contents.