Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2021

Lessons Learned from the SolarWinds Hack

Supply chain attacks are one of the trickier challenges for organizations to defend against since they undermine our trust in otherwise trusted systems that we depend on for running our software and protecting our data. If an adversary is able to successfully compromise a key component of a popular supply chain product, the impact can be widely felt by many organizations.

Teramind vs. ActivTrak | 2021 Feature Comparison

Teramind and ActivTrak are both popular employee monitoring software. Each of them has their strengths and weaknesses which might make it suitable (or not) for your unique business needs. The table below compares Teramind vs. ActivTrak side-by-side in terms of key features and capabilities so that you can decide which solution is right for you.

Why Employee Privacy Matters More Than Ever

For organizations and their employees, 2020 was a uniquely transformative and challenging year. Although this reality is expressed in many ways—including a global pandemic, a deep economic recession, perpetual social unrest and a litany of natural disasters—in the professional environment, it is most acutely observed in the rapid and wide-spread transition to remote work.

5 Reasons Every Company Needs to Be Ready for a Compliance Audit in 2021

In many ways, 2020 was a year of reckoning for data privacy on the internet. After more than a decade of enthusiastically embracing a “freemium” model in which consumers traded copious amounts of personal data for access to digital platforms, many are adopting a rapid about-face. Now, privacy is essential, and stakeholders are taking notice. To date, it’s clear that many companies see this as an obstacle, not an opportunity.