Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2024

Defending Against Modern Breaches: Lookout's Defense-in-Depth Solution

Today, cloud breaches happen in minutes. Not months. Attackers, with just the right login, can instantly access your data. To halt a breach, identifying and blocking data theft is essential. Prevention, however, begins with securing mobile devices. which are often unprotected, are highly susceptible to social engineering. Lookout adds depth to your defense with security that works at every turn. This includes blocking text messages that steal credentials and preventing compromised accounts from accessing your data. With Lookout, rest assured that your cloud data flows freely, and securely.

Your Data Has Moved to the Cloud - Can Your Security Strategy Keep Up?

In today's world, data is the lifeblood of every organization. From intellectual property to employee and customer data to competitive intelligence and more — if your data is stolen, it's your reputation, money, and business on the line. But the way we store and interact with data has changed over the years. It's no longer located inside a perimeter, on networks and devices your organization has total control over.