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July 2021

Don't Let Attackers Crumble Your Cookies: Electronic Arts Breach Lessons

Leading American video game company Electronic Arts (EA) recently disclosed a breach that resulted in the theft of hundreds of gigabytes of data. The exfiltrated information included source code and software that power popular games like FIFA and Battlefield. What’s notable about this attack is that the attackers gained access to EA’s infrastructure through stolen Slack cookies that contained cached employee login credentials.

Lookout Unearths Android Crypto Mining Scams

Cryptocurrencies, once the exclusive domain of an idealistic fringe movement, have recently become attractive to mainstream retail investors. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the valuation of cryptocurrencies rose exponentially, reaching a market capitalization of over $2 trillion. Cybercriminals are always looking for the path of least resistance to make money and cryptocurrencies are now in their crosshairs.