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September 2022

Cyber Risk Retainers: Not Another Insurance Policy

The costs associated with a cyberattack can be significant, especially if a company does not have an Incident Response plan that addresses risk. The one-two punch of a cyberattack can be devastating. There is the breach and then the related mitigation costs. Implementing a comprehensive Incident Response (IR) game plan into a worst-case-scenario should not be a post-breach scramble. And when that IR strategy includes insurance, it also must address a business’s level of cyber risk.

Cyber Risk and CFOs: Over-Confidence is Costly

Our CFO cybersecurity survey has shown that Chief Financial Officers are highly confident in their companies’ abilities to ward off cyber security incidents, despite being somewhat unaware of the cyber vulnerabilities their business faces. Almost 87% of the surveyed executives expressed this confidence, yet 61% of them had suffered at least three significant cyber incidents in the previous 18 months.

How Penetration Testing Can Better Prepare You for a SOC 2 Audit

The goal of a SOC 2 audit is to evaluate and verify how a service provider, whether an IT provider, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform, or other outsourced solution, handles sensitive customer data. Companies are pursuing SOC 2 certification because it is an industry-recognized way to show customers that their security program is worthy of their trust. When thinking about how to prepare for a SOC 2 audit, cyber risk assessment and penetration testing should be on your list.