Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2022

New MFA Bypass Phishing Method Uses WebView2 Applications with Hidden Keylogger

mr.d0x, a security researcher who previously released phishing tactics such as browser-in-the-browser (BitB) and utilized NoVNC to circumvent two-factor authentication (2FA), has released a new phishing attack method that exploits WebView2 applications to steal cookies and credentials. The code base utilizes a modified version of Microsoft’s WebView2 Samples repository. Microsoft has developed a new module called “Microsoft Edge WebView2 control”.

A CISO's Guide to Container Security: Understanding Vulnerabilities & Best Practices

Companies are introducing new apps and services to enable remote work, improve supply chains and handle disruptions caused by the pandemic. Our digital-first world thrives on speed and efficiency, and containers play a huge part in getting applications up and running quickly. Though containers offer many advantages over traditional virtualization, they also introduce significant security risks.

How to Identify Timestomping using KAPE

Timestomping is a common anti-forensic tactic that threat actors use in order to hide their tools on a victim’s file system. Detecting and analyzing timestomping can be time-consuming for examiners, but with a combination of the Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor (KAPE), MFTECmd and Timeline Explorer, the process is expedited, allowing examiners to focus on data instead of worrying about parsing files.