Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2021

Security Risk Management for Insolvency, Restructuring and Bankruptcy Firms

Nick Doyle talks about the security challenges that can impact law firms and advisory organizations that are providing professional services to companies going through insolvency, restructuring and bankruptcy, and how Kroll can help organizations and stakeholders manage the potential risks.

10 Essential Cyber Security Controls for Increased Resilience and Better Insurance Coverage

While threat actors continue to vary attack methods, these 10 essential cyber security controls can significantly improve your security posture, therefore making it harder for cybercriminals to compromise your network and increasing your opportunities for cyber insurance coverage. Validated by our seasoned cyber security experts based on frontline expertise and with a thorough review of the expanded questionnaires now requested by most cyber insurance carriers, this session presents key takeaways for each of the controls and their real-life effectiveness.

10 Essential Cyber Security Controls for Increased Resilience (and Better Cyber Insurance ...

While threat actors continue to vary attack methods, these 10 essential cyber security controls can significantly improve your security posture, therefore making it harder for cyber criminals to compromise your network and increasing your opportunities for cyber insurance coverage.