Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2022

Add security context to observability data with Datadog Cloud Security Management

Organizations are rapidly migrating their infrastructure to the cloud, enabling them to modernize their applications and deliver more value to their customers. But this transition creates significant security risks that they may be unable to keep pace with. For example, cyber attacks on cloud resources are becoming more sophisticated and prevalent. Additionally, organizations often rely on legacy, disjointed security tools that don’t integrate well with cloud-native infrastructure.

The State of AWS Security

In the cloud, securing identities and workloads is both paramount and complex. Inventories of AWS customer security breaches help us learn from publicly disclosed incidents—but until now, not much concrete data has been shared around the usage of security mechanisms that could have helped prevent these incidents. For this report, we examined real-world data from a sample of more than 600 organizations and thousands of AWS accounts that use the Datadog Cloud Security Platform.