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March 2022

The Dirty Pipe vulnerability: Overview, detection, and remediation

The situation with Dirty Pipe is rapidly evolving. We will update the information in this blog as it is released publicly. On March 7, 2022, Max Kellermann publicly disclosed a vulnerability in the Linux kernel, later named Dirty Pipe, which allows underprivileged processes to write to arbitrary readable files, leading to privilege escalation. This vulnerability affects kernel versions starting from 5.8.

Detect suspicious login activity with impossible travel detection rules

Many modern applications are regularly accessed by countless users from all over the world, which makes it difficult to identify anomalous patterns in login activity indicative of a security breach. This challenge is compounded by the fact that people travel often and regularly access their accounts from new locations. To detect this common attack vector, the Datadog Cloud SIEM now provides the impossible travel detection rule type which helps you spot suspicious logins with confidence.