Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2021

Arctic Wolf Managed Security Awareness

Organizations spend a lot of effort enhancing their cybersecurity, building defenses that cyberthreats can’t penetrate. Yet despite all the preparation, many attackers sidestep them all together, through social engineering and targeting busy employees, who if left unprepared, can be tricked into opening a side-door, bypassing the defences your IT team has constructed. Frustrating responders as the volume of attacks increase.

Arctic Wolf Managed Detection and Response

The cybersecurity landscape constantly becomes more difficult to defend as devices proliferate and cyberthreats become more sophisticated. Organizations often rely on new tools to stay protected, but this approach can quickly spiral into a maze of complex products—a patchwork of controls that lack the holistic integrity for effective cybersecurity. Your search for the right solution shouldn't be this hard.