Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2020

Arctic Wolf: The Leader in Security Operations

It’s not about having the right security tools at your organization. Cyberattacks aren’t caused by product failures, they’re caused by operational failures. Misconfigurations, blind spots, alert fatigue, and lack of experience all lead to major issues your business can’t afford to risk. With Arctic Wolf, it’s time to boost your security posture.

Arctic Wolf | End Cyber Risk

The cybersecurity industry has an effectiveness problem. There are thousands of vendors in the market, with over $130 billion spent annually on defense. And yet, the number of breaches continues to rise. Data breaches often occur not because a tool failed to detect the threat or alert on a vulnerability, but due to a lack of proper workflows, processes, and experienced people who know how to prioritize remediation.