Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2022

The safest data security approach for the healthcare industry

If you’re looking for a reason to make protecting legacy systems a priority for your healthcare organization, we’ve got 9.23 million for you. That’s the total number of US dollars lost by the healthcare sector to data breaches alone in 2021– and that number is increasing year on year. In fact, the healthcare sector has been the target of the costliest data breaches of all sectors – including financial, technology, and services – for 11 years.

Cybersecurity vs Computer Forensics: Same goal, different measures

Information security (infosec) should be at the top of the agenda for any business that operates in a data-driven and digital environment – and to be honest, which business today doesn’t? But when hiring for infosec positions, it’s important that business leaders understand the differences between cybersecurity versus a computer forensics role.

How much money is spent on cybersecurity?

Businesses have never been more vulnerable than they are today. While cybercrime cost companies an already whopping US$300 billion in 2013, damages have since skyrocketed to US$945 billion in 2020. That’s 300% growth in just a short span of seven years. The worst part is, that we can expect this number to continue rising exponentially in the coming decade.