Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2021

Cybercrime statistics we can't ignore

- Even as crime numbers fell overall in Singapore between 2016 and 2017, the percentage of cybercrimes grew from 15.6% to 16.6% of total crimes. This motivated the Singapore Police Force and the National Crime Prevention Council to re-enact cybercrime cases in a popular crime watch series. - In Australia, the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s Annual Cyber Threat report shows that a cyber crime is reported, on average, every ten minutes.

How do businesses ensure data security with a remote workforce?

When it comes to Data protection, we used to talk about securing the perimeter with firewalls, VPNs, cybersecurity training for employees, to prevent data leaks - remember those days?? Well, these days, things are a little different as we now have remote working to contend with. As a result, Zero Trust has crept in and tilted the formula for Data security and securing network perimeters is no longer effective.

How should databases be protected?

There’s simply no denying that Data is the currency of the future. All businesses have one or more databases and are naturally heavily reliant on them not only to store information, but also to utilise the data to make business informed decisions. Whether it’s payroll data, employee records, customer information, financial information or even inventory data today’s list of Data is endless.