Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2019

33 Kubernetes security tools

Kubernetes security tools … there are so freaking many of them; with different purposes, scopes and licenses. That’s why we decided to create this Kubernetes security tools list, including open source projects and commercial platforms from different vendors, to help you choose the ones that look more interesting to you and guide you in the right direction depending on your Kubernetes security needs.

How to detect Kubernetes vulnerability CVE-2019-11246 using Falco

A recent CNCF-sponsored Kubernetes security audit uncovered CVE-2019-11246, a high-severity vulnerability affecting the command-line kubectl tool. If exploited, it could lead to a directory traversal, allowing a malicious container to replace or create files on a user’s workstation. This vulnerability stemmed from an incomplete fix of a previously disclosed vulnerability (CVE-2019-1002101). Are you vulnerable?