Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2023

How Detectify embraces the best of both DAST and EASM

Below, we’ll take a look at how both DAST as a methodology and DAST as a tool relate to what we do at Detectify. More specifically, we’ll explain how Detectify’s solution applies DAST methodology with an External Attack Surface Management (EASM) mindset to deliver the most value to AppSec and ProdSec teams.

Should your team really run DAST in staging environments?

TL;DR: There is a common belief that when it comes to uncovering bugs in the DevSecOps cycle, catching things early on is often better. While this approach certainly works well for Software Composition Analysis (SCA) and Static Application Security Testing (SAST), it doesn’t really apply to Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) in modern environments.