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October 2019

New security test: CVE-2019-11043 PHP-FPM & NGINX RCE

tl;dr – CVE-2019-11043 PHP-FPM & NGINX RCE was publicly disclosed and a Proof-of-Concept exploit code was made available on GitHub. We received the report from our Crowdsource community, and now the CVE-2019-11043 Nginx/PHP-FPM RCE vulnerability is detected by Detectify. Nginx is a common web server used to run web applications. PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is a processor for PHP scripts that is efficient at handling heavy website traffic and is commonly used by websites that have e.g.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month - 5 tips for safe browsing

October is Cyber Security Awareness month, and a good time for organizations and anyone who uses the Internet (yes that means everyone) to review security best practices, for a safer user experience. Based on the current state of the Internet, here are our best tips for a better online browsing experience, for website guardians and end users.

vBulletin RCE CVE-2019-16759 exploited in the wild, to Detectify

Detectify now has a built-in detection for vBulletin RCE CVE-2019-16759, thanks to a report from our Crowdsource community. Last week, a proof-of-concept exploit for a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability for vBulletin forum software CVE 2019-16759 was disclosed publicly. The vulnerability was exploited in the wild and actively being exploited by malicious attackers.

How Detectify handles Zero-Day submissions

Finding a zero-day (0-day) is probably one of the best feelings in the world for a hacker, and sometimes we receive these submissions through Detectify Crowdsource, our bug bounty platform. This article will explain how Detectify handles 0-days with transparency to responsibly work with vendors, researchers and customers with the disclosure.

Karim Rahal: Security Features of Firefox

Karim Rahal, Detectify Crowdsource hacker, is a 17-year-old web-hacker who has been hacking for the greater part of his teenager years. At age 13, he started to responsibly disclose vulnerabilities—and he even blogged about one he found in Spotify! Karim still makes time for bug bounty programs, despite school. We asked Karim to tell us why Firefox is the best choice from a white hat hacker’s point-of-view.