Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2020

Brexit and Data Protection | UK GDPR Law

With recent legal developments taking into account data privacy, it shows the importance of protection of individuals personal information for businesses. The UK left the EU on 31st January 2020. The current transition period ends on 31st December 2020, DPA 2018 takes centre stage with all matters of data privacy. Let’s dive into the beef first and then related GDPR, DPA information including the basics and gdpr vs dpa.

Top 6 Healthcare Cyber Security Threats and Best Practices (2021)

Security threats in healthcare relate to safety of the clinical and administrative information systems of hospitals and healthcare service providers. Increasing cyber attacks on healthcare organisations in the last few years have been faster than the improvements in healthcare cybersecurity practices. In this article, we discuss the cyber security threats and vulnerabilities of hospitals and healthcare providers, followed by best security practices aimed at improving security posture.

Facts About Computer Viruses & Malware (including 6 Virus Myths)

Our article provides an overview of the most common forms of computer viruses along with some punches of computer fun facts, history & interesting facts about computer viruses and other types of malware. A few weeks ago, we also published cyber security glossary, simplifying geeky terms for general readers.