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August 2023

New Cyber Alliance: The Five Families Telegram Channel

The Cyberint research team has discovered a new Telegram channel called “The Five Families,” purportedly marking the initiation of collaboration of five distinct threat actor groups: This channel, which was established just a few hours ago, has already amassed nearly 400 subscriptions. Currently, it contains only one message: This message has been shared across the official channels of the above-mentioned collaboration groups, signifying their approval of this joint effort. Allegedly,

Putting CTEM Into Practice: The Five Key Steps

Cyber threats are like microbes: They’re constantly evolving, and the defenses that worked against them yesterday may no longer work today. Just as a vaccine crafted for an earlier iteration of a virus may not be effective anymore, the cybersecurity tools and processes that shut down risks in the past might not be enough to keep your business safe today. That’s why Continuous Threat Exposure Management, or CTEM, is a critical component of any cybersecurity strategy.

Tackling your Cybersecurity weak point: Your Supply Chain

The suppliers are the weak point in the security organization, 62% of attacks were through suppliers..... Existing tactics such as periodic pen testing, questionaires etc. don't cut it! Find out who your suppliers are, how healthy their protection is, how targeted they are AND be notified when an issue happens.

GhostSec's Revelation of Iranian Surveillance Software

GhostSec has reported a successful breach of the FANAP Behnama software, which they describe as the “Iran regime’s very own Privacy-invading software”. This breach has resulted in the exposure of approximately 20GB of compromised software. The group alleges that the Iranian government employs the software for citizen surveillance, representing a significant advancement in the nation’s surveillance capabilities.

LinkedIn Accounts Under Attack

In recent weeks, the Cyberint research team has observed an alarming emerging trend – an ongoing and successful hacking campaign is targeting LinkedIn accounts, all following a consistent method. This campaign is currently affecting individuals worldwide, resulting in a significant number of victims losing access to their accounts. Some have even been pressured into paying a ransom to regain control or faced with the permanent deletion of their accounts.

Behind the Mask of Anonymous Sudan: An Analysis

Anonymous Sudan is a rapidly expanding and influential group of hacktivists that identify themselves as Sudanese, motivated by both religious and political beliefs. Since January 2023, they have been carrying out distributed denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, allegedly motivated by defending Islam against Western nations. These attacks have disrupted critical infrastructure and various global sectors, including finance and healthcare.

DDoS Empire Shutdown: The Why, What, When & How

Starting from the beginning of 2023, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies worldwide have come together in a united effort to combat cybercrime, with a specific focus on ransomware. This alliance has already resulted in significant arrests, including those of individuals associated with Pompompurin and LockBit, as well as the dismantling of the Hive ransomware group’s infrastructure.

Neo_Net: Decoding the Reign of a Cybercrime Mastermind

Following research on a notorious cybercrime mastermind known as Neo_Net, Cyberint has unveiled the extent of the threat actor’s activities, who primarily targets Spanish and Chilean banks. The findings indicate that the mastermind’s crimes have now expanded into multiple countries and industries worldwide. Further analysis reveals that Neo_Net has not only focused on targeting Financial Applications through the creation of fake Android applications, but has also expanded its schemes.