Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2022

China-Taiwan Threat Intelligence Landscape

Over the past couple of months, the tension between China and Taiwan has increased dramatically. The well-known conflict between both countries began in 1949 when Taiwan became a self-governing state, while Beijing still considers the island part of its territory. Beijing has promised to “unify” Taiwan with the rest of the mainland, using force if necessary.

No Service Is Safe - Atlassian Demands Increasing

This year, Cyberint Research Team has witnessed a major spike in compromised Atlassian service credentials compared to 2021. When observing compromised Atlassian credentials from the start of 2021 and 2022 through to August of the relevant year, we have seen an increase of around 337% (Figure 1, 2) in leaked credentials.

Cookie O'clock

Over the past few years, the awareness of privacy and personal security has taken a significant step forward. Typical users have now adopted far more suspicious practices when utilizing multiple PC or mobile device applications. This is a direct result of the constant attempts of cybercriminals to launch malicious campaigns aimed at gaining access to both credentials and internal systems.