Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2020

Gamifying cyber security training

At Bulletproof, we know that different people learn in different ways. So when a healthcare provider came to us needing an innovative, engaging way of delivering security awareness training, we stood ready to deliver. The healthcare provider in question was St Andrews Healthcare – providers of specialist care for people with challenging mental health needs. Being a company that works with vulnerable individuals, staff awareness of cyber security is essential.

Top cyber security stats you need to know for 2021

Bulletproof has released its Annual Cyber Security Industry Report 2021, where we look at the security challenges facing businesses in 2021 and discover what organisations can do to stay ahead of the hackers. In this blog we highlight 4 key findings from the report and explore what they mean for business’ security in 2021 and beyond.

What Is Ethical Hacking & How It Can Secure Your Business?

The term "hacker" gets thrown around in a variety of contexts and in a multitude of different ways nowadays. While it's great that cybersecurity is gaining more and more awareness across the globe, the technical nature of cybersecurity means that terms are often used interchangeably, in different contexts, and sometimes incorrectly.