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September 2019

An introduction to penetration testing

The digital world has become a dangerous place. It’s like the Wild West (the movie kind, not the real kind, which was decidedly less wild than it’s portrayed), with outlaws out to do you harm and make off with your precious data. Fortunately, like any good western, there are also honour-bound gun slingers seeking to bring law, order and – most importantly – security to the digital landscape.

Gamers risk getting played by hackers

If you’re in your mid-twenties or beyond, you will be familiar with people at family gatherings saying ‘remember when we didn’t have all these gadgets, and we used to actually talk to each other?’ The answer to this is ‘no’ – the level of conversation has remained largely unchanged, it’s just now we have gadgets and gizmos to occupy our attention during these moments of strained silence. I put it down to the Mandela effect.